Become a Volunteer
- Fill out the volunteer application. You will receive a confirmation email.
- Our team will email details about the next orientation training. We typically plan these quarterly.
- After you attend volunteer orientation, you will be asked to submit a background check. We kindly request that you help us cover the $20 fee for your background check.
- Start volunteering!
*Further Direct Care Training will be provided for those working directly with the residents.

We welcome your time and talents
These are some of our biggest needs:
Transportation Team
Help us transport residents to and from important appointments, meetings, jobs, etc. This is a great opportunity to be able to support and encourage them as you drive.
Hospitality Team
This team helps with cleaning, decorating, holiday celebrations, and organization. This team's thoughtful service and creativity show her she is valued!
Administration Team
Administrative support includes assisting with ministry mailings, office duties, and other staff requests.
Events Team
This is your chance to represent Rest Stop Ministries in the community! Support includes assisting with important fundraising and engagement events such as our Annual Gala, Good Hope Farms markets, and other RSM-promotional events.
Prayer Team
Make a meaningful impact from wherever you are! Detailed prayer requests are emailed weekly, or as urgent needs arise.
Grounds Team
With 25 acres and two houses, there is never a shortage of projects. Help us cut the grass, weed eat, maintain the garden, prune the orchard, mulch the flower beds, etc.
Program Team
Share your skills and abilities with our residents! We often discover individualized interests and needs which may include: tutoring, computer skills, personal finance, culinary skills, art, and movement.
Mentorship opportunities are also available!
*Please note that while our business address is Hermitage, TN, our physical location is in Wilson County, TN.
We welcome your prayer
Pray for the residents in our care, that they will stay strong in their healing and recovery.
Pray for our staff, that the Lord will provide them wisdom as they care and serve in restoration.
Pray for our Board Members and Leadership to have clear vision for Rest Stop Ministries.
Pray over our finances, that God will continue to provide in abundance for her future.
Pray protection and safety over our property and those in it.
Pray over the issue of trafficking – for victims, survivors, perpetrators, first responders, and all affected.
We welcome your network
Engaging with us on social media is a completely free way to share awareness and prevention with your own community. We would love for you to follow, share, and invite your network to learn more.
Give once or recurring, online or by mail:
P.O. Box 156
Hermitage, TN 37076
Consider our ongoing needs or registry wishlist.